If you're still lacking in equipment, be sure to thoroughly search all the lockers and bins on this level. Your goal is to make it to the spiral stairs on the south, that lead to the Access Corridor. It's a rather large area and you enter on the north. To the east of the foyer is the Barracks, but take the south stairs from this room into the Detention cell area. That's fine, because that's what you'll want to get later in the Presidential Area from the man himself. and you'll find out that you need a Presidential Access Key to handle any of the security measures. Take a minute to save your game, use the computer, log in as J, Smith and see what you can do (save your game first just in case). Take note of the computer terminal along the southern wall, and of the turrets lining the wall.

This is the room where the final battle takes place. When you enter the Enclave foyer from the Dock, you'll find yourself in a large room. The choice is yours, but I'll outline the major tasks involved and let you decide.

You can accomplish all this the diplomatic sneaky way, or the more difficult and time consuming mass destructive way. Along the way you can help rescue your tribe from Arroyo, held captive one level below.

After he's defeated, you can then escape. Your main goal is to descend a few levels, get the Presidential Access Key from the President, descend one more level, shut down the reactor computer, and then make it back up in time to defeat their leader, Frank Horrigan. After that, you'll have to enter the tanker in SF north of Chinatown, head on up to the bridge and tell the ship to "go." You'll then be dropped off at the gates to the Enclave, somewhere off the California coast. You can make it here by completing New San Francisco quests #2, #3 and #11.